Yogic Principles to Live By Guided Meditation


Mantra: Ahimsa Satya

Join me in discovering the five yamasahimsa (non-violence), satya (not lying), asteya (not stealing), brahmacharya (sexual impeccability), and aparigraha (not coveting).

The most well known teaching of yoga is asana (the postures) because we all physically practice them in yoga class. But there are actually 8 limbs of the yogic teachings, and this weekend let’s explore the first two limbs of yoga—the yamas and niyamas—described by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. The yamas are the universal codes of ethical behavior and niyamas are the personal observances—essentially guidance for how enlightened beings can best interact with the world, our friends, our families, and our selves. These ten practices and their translations can become intuitive and awakened within us when we place our attention on them, live them, and practice them.


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