Surrender, Then Soar Guided Meditation Package


Meditation is an emotional healing processes toward powerful pathways to forgiveness, compassion, real growth and self-love. It allows you to experience a better version of yourself. This ongoing process of opening your constrictions and releasing them will take your meditation practice to an even higher level, because you’ll continue to become lighter, bringing less mental turbulence into your daily meditation sessions. In essence, lightening your load will unlock a spiritual doorway for you that will expanded your understanding of meditation as a process of surrender. And that powerful energy of stillness then translates into your daily life. You will no longer find it so necessary to try to be in control of every moment. Sometimes it’s okay to set your course, engage your intention, lean in the direction of your desires, and let the universe do the driving.



  • Ahimsa (18:30)
  • Come Into Presence (15:16)
  • Don’t Make Assumptions (19:56)
  • DOing & BEing Your Best (16:02)

Love the cover art? Read more about artist Simon Haiduk.