Remember, comfort is queen when we’re meditating. And, yes, you CAN meditate in bed — I call it Beditation!!! There are no rules that say you have to be sitting up straight, cross-legged, with your hands resting on your knees with palms to the air. Beditation is the perfect complement to RPM — Rise Pee Meditate! And it’s the perfect tool for those of us who tend to push the snooze button in the mornings. Beditation may be the secret you have been looking for to lock down your meditation practice.
You can practice it as a daily meditation ritual or as an in-the-moment stress buster. The clarity it brings and the sense of calm it invokes, softening to one-ness, will help you make better decisions about life, love, and purpose.
How Do I “Beditate”?
If you’re a beginning meditator, make sure that you don’t force the breath; just let it flow in and out and witness it. Use 16seconds, which is a form of four-part breathing, or simply follow your breath in and out. You can do this for as long as you like – one minute, five, ten, fifteen, thirty minutes – but start small so you don’t quickly get over-whelmed.
Beditation: Softening to Oneness Guided Meditation
davidji Meditation Academy offers workshops, spiritual retreats and immersions, in the field meditation, self-improvement and spirituality, in the form of online courses and in-person. Contact us at for more information.